The Rhode Island Civilian Conservation Camps History and the Burlingame, Charlestown CCC Camp
Hosted on: 5/22/19 at the Cross’ Mills Public Library.
Presented by accomplished author and historian, Marty Podskoch. Mr. Podskoch will describe the history and projects of the seen CCC Camps located throughout Rhode Island as part of the New Deal from 1933-1942, with a focus on Charlestown’s Burlingame State Park. Individuals who may have CCC stories and photos to contribute to his next book are encouraged to contact him at: [email protected].
Sponsored by the Charlestown Historical Society and the Cross Mills Public Library

The following video is a presentation of a Revolutionary War Encampment which the Charlestown Historical Society brought to life on the grounds of the historic Amos Greene Farm off of Rt. 112 in Charlestown, RI in 2016, 2017 and 2018. This farm, now owned by the Ricci family, was active in the mid 1700’s, and was host to Revolutionary War musters and gatherings. The land is now overseen by the Charlestown Land Trust.
The encampment was portrayed by the 2nd Rhode Island Regiment, British 54th of Foot, Peter’s Corp, Queens Loyal Rangers, Le Regiment Bourbonnais and other New England units. The day included skirmishes, pitting the Americans and French against the British and Tories, readings from the Declaration of Independence, a visit to the Greene Family Burying Plot and daily camp exhibitions.
Also performing were members of the Cape Cod Blue Jackets Fife & Drum Corp. Historically-related vendors and craft exhibitions showcased a blacksmith presentation, a military hospital unit, a cooper, colonial wares and cooking, weaving and Native American wampum jewelry.